Results for 'Eunice Y. L. Cheung'

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  1. Cantonese-Speaking Children Do Not Acquire Tone Perception before Tone Production—A Perceptual and Acoustic Study of Three-Year-Olds' Monosyllabic Tones.Puisan Wong, Wing M. Fu & Eunice Y. L. Cheung - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Special Issue on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: An Introduction.Allan K. K. Chan & Stephen Y. L. Cheung - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (4):753-754.
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  3. Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi and Employee Work Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction.Millissa F. Y. Cheung, Wei-Ping Wu, Allan K. K. Chan & May M. L. Wong - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (Suppl 1):77-89.
    In this study, we attempt to explain the divergent results found in the relationships between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and employee work outcomes. Specifically, we propose that the relationships between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and participatory management, turnover intentions, and organizational commitment are mediated by job satisfaction. Based on the data collected from a sample of 196 employees of three local manufacturing firms in Zhejiang Province, China, we found that job satisfaction fully mediated the effects of supervisor–subordinate guanxi on participatory management and intentions to (...)
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: The Impact of Aerobic Exercise on Fronto-Parietal Network Connectivity and Its Relation to Mobility: An Exploratory Analysis of a 6-Month Randomized Controlled Trial.Chun L. Hsu, John R. Best, Shirley Wang, Michelle W. Voss, Robin G. Y. Hsiung, Michelle Munkacsy, Winnie Cheung, Todd C. Handy & Teresa Liu-Ambrose - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  5.  23
    Emotion and Psychophysiological Responses During Emotion–Eliciting Film Clips in an Eating Disorders Sample.Melanie N. French & Eunice Y. Chen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Greater vulnerability to negative emotions appears associated with the development and maintenance of eating disorders. A systematic review of psychophysiological studies using emotion-eliciting film clips reveals that there are no studies examining the effect of standardized validated film clips on psychophysiological response across a range of EDs.Methods: Using standardized validated film clips without ED-specific content, the present study examined self-reported emotions and psychophysiological responses of women with Binge-Eating Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Healthy Controls at Baseline, during Neutral, (...)
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    Reflexões sobre o contexto histórico, respaldo legal e ensino de matemática para pessoas em tratamento de saúde.Eunice Cajango & Elielson Sales - forthcoming - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias.
    O presente trabalho tem como finalidade tecer reflexões a respeito do contexto histórico, respaldo legal e atuação docente junto a educandos em tratamento de saúde, em particular no que tange a desafios e possibilidades no ensino de Matemática. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, a partir do recorte de uma pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida em nível de doutorado em Educação em Ciências e Matemáticas e defendida junto à Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). A análise e discussão dos dados (...)
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    The effects of a single night of sleep deprivation on fluency and prefrontal cortex function during divergent thinking.Oshin Vartanian, Fethi Bouak, J. L. Caldwell, Bob Cheung, Gerald Cupchik, Marie-Eve Jobidon, Quan Lam, Ann Nakashima, Michel Paul, Henry Peng, Paul J. Silvia & Ingrid Smith - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Frontal Underactivation During Working Memory Processing in Adults With Acute Partial Sleep Deprivation: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.Michael K. Yeung, Tsz L. Lee, Winnie K. Cheung & Agnes S. Chan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Decrease in Attentional Performance After Repeated Bouts of High Intensity Exercise in Association-Football Referees and Assistant Referees.Sergio L. Schmidt, Guilherme J. Schmidt, Catarina S. Padilla, Eunice N. Simões, Julio C. Tolentino, Paulo R. Barroso, Jorge H. Narciso, Erik S. Godoy & Rubens L. Costa Filho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Medical Assistance in Dying for Persons Suffering Solely from Mental Illness in Canada.Chloe Eunice Panganiban & Srushhti Trivedi - 2025 - Voices in Bioethics 11.
    Photo ID 71252867© Stepan Popov| Abstract While Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) has been legalized in Canada since 2016, it still excludes eligibility for persons who have mental illness as a sole underlying medical condition. This temporary exclusion was set to expire on March 17th, 2024, but was set 3 years further back by the Government of Canada to March 17th, 2027. This paper presents a critical appraisal of the case of MAiD for individuals with mental illness as the (...)
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    The Effect of Consumer Perceptions of the Ethics of Retailers on Purchase Behavior and Word-of-Mouth: The Moderating Role of Ethical Beliefs.Millissa F. Y. Cheung & W. M. To - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):771-788.
    This paper explores how consumers perceive retailer ethics. Based on a review of the marketing and consumer research literature, we conceptualize consumer perceptions of the ethics of retailers as a multidimensional construct and propose that its effects on consumer purchase behavior and word-of-mouth communication are more salient when consumers have strong rather than weak ethical beliefs. The model was validated using a random sample of 399 respondents in a collectivist society. The results of structural equation modeling confirmed that CPER is (...)
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  12.  40
    metaSEM: an R package for meta-analysis using structural equation modeling.Mike W.-L. Cheung - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Emotional Responses to Visual Art and Commercial Stimuli: Implications for Creativity and Aesthetics.Mei-Chun Cheung, Derry Law, Joanne Yip & Christina W. Y. Wong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Why are people with high self-control happier? The effect of trait self-control on happiness as mediated by regulatory focus.Tracy T. L. Cheung, Marleen Gillebaart, Floor Kroese & Denise De Ridder - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  15.  42
    “Madhyamakanising” Tantric Yogācāra: The Reuse of Ratnākaraśānti’s Explanation of maṇḍala Visualisation in the Works of Śūnyasamādhivajra, Abhayākaragupta and Tsong Kha Pa.Daisy S. Y. Cheung - 2023 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (5):611-643.
    The eleventh-century Indian Buddhist master Ratnākaraśānti presents a unique Yogācāra interpretation of tantric _maṇḍala_ visualisation in the _*Guhyasamājamaṇḍalavidhiṭīkā_. In this text, he employs the neither-one-nor-many argument to assert that the qualities of the mind represented by the deities in the _maṇḍala_ are neither the same nor different from the mind itself. He also provides five scenarios of meditation to explain the necessity of practising both the perfection method (_pāramitānaya_) and the mantra method (_mantranaya_) together in Mahāyāna. Ratnākaraśānti’s explanation exerts a (...)
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  16.  13
    Is Mindfulness Linked to Life Satisfaction? Testing Savoring Positive Experiences and Gratitude as Mediators.Rebecca Y. M. Cheung & Elsa Ngar-Sze Lau - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Grounded in Mindfulness-to-Meaning Theory, this study examined the relation between dispositional mindfulness and life satisfaction through mediating mechanisms including savoring positive experiences and gratitude. A total of 133 Chinese mindfulness practitioners at 20–72 years old were recruited from a 3-day transnational meditation event in Hong Kong. Findings based on structural equation modeling indicated that controlling for sex, age, education, family income, number of hours of mindfulness practice per week, and type of administration, dispositional mindfulness was associated with satisfaction with life (...)
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  17.  31
    Emotional Labor and Occupational Well-Being: Latent Profile Transition Analysis Approach.Francis Cheung, Vivian M. C. Lun & Mike W. -L. Cheung - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:381631.
    This study used the latent profile transition analysis to analyze whether emotional labor profiles change across time and how these profiles relate to occupational well-being (i.e., job satisfaction, quality of work life, psychological distress, and work–family conflict). A total of 155 full-time Chinese employees completed the questionnaire survey at two time points. Three latent profiles were identified at Time 1 and the same profiles were replicated at Time 2. We determined that the majority of the participants retained the original profiles. (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 4.Frederic B. Mayo Jr, John Bruce Francis, John S. Burd, Wilson A. Judd, Eunice S. Matthew, William F. Pinar, Paul Erickson, Charles John Stark, Walter H. Clark Jr, Irvin David Glick, Howard D. Bruner, John Eddy, David L. Pagni, Gloria J. Abbington, Michael L. Greenbaum, Phillip C. Frey, Robert G. Owens, Royce W. van Norman, M. Bruce Haslam, Eugene Hittleman, Sally Geis, Robert H. Graham, Ogden L. Glasow, A. L. Fanta & Joseph Fashing - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):198-200.
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    Analyzing Big Data in Psychology: A Split/Analyze/Meta-Analyze Approach.Mike W.-L. Cheung & Suzanne Jak - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Computing Multivariate Effect Sizes and Their Sampling Covariance Matrices With Structural Equation Modeling: Theory, Examples, and Computer Simulations.Mike W.-L. Cheung - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Retroactive inhibition of r-s associations in the a-b, b-c, c-b paradigms.Chiu C. Cheung & L. R. Goulet - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (2p1):321.
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    The economics of post-doc publishing.William L. Cheung - 2008 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 8 (1):41-44.
  23.  12
    The economics of post-doc publishing.William W. L. Cheung - 2008 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 8 (1):41-44.
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    Making Sense of Genetics: The Problem of Essentialism.Steven J. Heine, Benjamin Y. Cheung & Anita Schmalor - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (S1):19-26.
    Abstract“Psychological essentialism” refers to our tendency to view the natural world as emerging from the result of deep, hidden, and internal forces called “essences.” People tend to believe that genes underlie a person’s identity. People encounter information about genetics on a regular basis, as through media such as a New York Times piece “Infidelity Lurks in Your Genes” or a 23andMe commercial showing people acquiring new ethnic identities as the result of their genotyping. How do people make sense of new (...)
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  25.  21
    Social sanitary development of a rural establishment from the perspective of the social sciences.José Eduardo Vera Rodríguez, Leonardo Santos Méndez, Marla Eunice Hernandez Cruz & Yudelmis Ramirez Duquerne - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):31-46.
    RESUMEN Se aplicó una intervención socio sanitaria en el asentamiento rural El León de Camagüey basada en los resultados de un estudio anterior, desde la comunicación social, educativa, así como aspectos socioculturales evaluados que permitieron la realización de este estudio. Su objetivo fue implementar una estrategia de intervención basada en acciones sociales y educativas colectadas en un manual que organizó contenidos de antropología socio cultural, psicología, sociología de la salud y trabajo social comunitario, la que fue conducida por profesionales de (...)
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    US Immigrants’ Patterns of Acculturation are Sensitive to Their Age, Language, and Cultural Contact but Show No Evidence of a Sensitive Window for Acculturation.Maciej Chudek, Benjamin Y. Cheung & Steven J. Heine - 2015 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 15 (1-2):174-190.
    Recent research observed a sensitive window, at about 14 years of age, in the acculturation rates of Chinese immigrants to Canada. Tapping an online sample ofusimmigrants, we tested these relationships in a broader population and explored connections with new potentially causally related variables: formal education, language ability and contact with heritage-culture and mainstream United States individuals, both now and at immigration. While we found that acculturation decreased with age at immigration and increased with years in theus, we did not observe (...)
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  27.  29
    Measuring Positive Emotion Outcomes in Positive Psychology Interventions: A Literature Review.Judith T. Moskowitz, Elaine O. Cheung, Melanie Freedman, Christa Fernando, Madelynn W. Zhang, Jeff C. Huffman & Elizabeth L. Addington - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (1):60-73.
    Accumulating evidence for the unique social, behavioral, and physical health benefits of positive emotion and related well-being constructs has led to the development and testing of positive psychological interventions (PPIs) to increase emotional well-being and enhance health promotion and disease prevention. PPIs are specifically aimed at improving emotional well-being and consist of practices such as gratitude, savoring, and acts of kindness. The purpose of this narrative review was to examine the literature on PPIs with a particular focus on positive emotion (...)
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    A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Family Holistic Health Intervention for Probationers in Hong Kong: A Mixed-Method Study.Agnes Y.-K. Lai, Shirley M.-M. Sit, Carol Thomas, George O.-C. Cheung, Alice Wan, Sophia S.-C. Chan & Tai-Hing Lam - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Probationers, offenders with less serious and non-violent offences, and under statutory supervision, have low levels of self-esteem and physical health, and high level of family conflict, and poorer quality of family relationships. This study examined the effectiveness of the existing probation service and the additional use of a positive family holistic health intervention to enhance physical, psychological, and family well-being in probationers and relationships with probation officers.Methods: Probationers under the care of the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department were randomized (...)
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  29. Flipped classroom for student engagement in higher education.Gary K. W. Wong & H. Y. Cheung - 2015 - In Jaime Hawkins, Student engagement: leadership practices, perspectives and impact of technology. New York: Nova Publishers.
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    COVID‐19 and Religious Ethics.Toni Alimi, Elizabeth L. Antus, Alda Balthrop-Lewis, James F. Childress, Shannon Dunn, Ronald M. Green, Eric Gregory, Jennifer A. Herdt, Willis Jenkins, M. Cathleen Kaveny, Vincent W. Lloyd, Ping-Cheung Lo, Jonathan Malesic, David Newheiser, Irene Oh & Aaron Stalnaker - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (3):349-387.
    The editors of the JRE solicited short essays on the COVID‐19 pandemic from a group of scholars of religious ethics that reflected on how the field might help them make sense of the complex religious, cultural, ethical, and political implications of the pandemic, and on how the pandemic might shape the future of religious ethics.
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    Editorial: Recent Advancements in Structural Equation Modeling : From Both Methodological and Application Perspectives.Oi-Man Kwok, Mike W. L. Cheung, Suzanne Jak, Ehri Ryu & Jiun-Yu Wu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Governance for Harmony in Asia and Beyond.Julia Tao, Anthony B. L. Cheung, Martin Painter & Chenyang Li (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    Harmony has become a major challenge for modern governance in the twenty-first century because of the multi-religious, multi-racial and multi-ethnic character of our increasingly globalized societies. Governments all over the world are facing growing pressure to integrate the many diverse elements and subcultures which make up modern pluralistic societies. This book examines the idea of harmony, and its place in politics and governance, both in theory and practice, in Asia, the West and elsewhere. It explores and analyses the meanings, mechanisms, (...)
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  33. On a Recent Naturalism Debate in Business Ethics – from a Philosophy Point of View.Kwok Tung Cheung - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (4):889-898.
    William C. Frederick proposes a naturalistic business ethics. Many commentators focus on the issues of naturalistic fallacy, deprivation of freedom of the will, and possibility of important and universal moral values in business ethics. I argue that an ethics being naturalistic is not a worry. The issue of deprivation of free will is irrelevant. Yet there are urgent questions regarding the possibility of important and universal moral values, which may prevent Frederick’s view from getting off the ground.
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    Whose Reason? Which Rationality? Understanding the ‘Real Worlds’ of Hong Kong’s Public Managers.Brian Brewer, Anthony B. L. Cheung & Julia Tao - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (1):3-14.
    Based on empirical data from a qualitative study, this paper explores the complexity of ‘real world’ management in Hong Kong’s public sector, as contrasted with various paradigmatic claims under ‘new public management’ (NPM). A plurality of sub-worlds within the broad public sector is identified, which makes the management roles and responsibilities much less ‘homogenised’ than depicted in NPM exhortations. The instrumental rationality underpinning NPM is identified as too restrictive in understanding the way in which public managers reach decisions. When the (...)
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    The Itc International Handbook of Testing and Assessment.Frederick T. L. Leong, Dave Bartram, Fanny Cheung, Kurt F. Geisinger & Dragos Iliescu (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    During the last several years social scientists have increasingly recognized the impact of globalization on research and practice. It is imperative that psychology as a field be cognizant of this ongoing shift and that psychologists begin to integrate their various models, theories, and perspectives into a global curriculum.Sponsored by the International Testing Commission, The ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment is dedicated to the advancement of theory, research, and practice in the area of international testing and assessment in psychology, (...)
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  36. Attributions of Acause and Recurrence in Long-Term Breast Cancer Survivors.De Stewart, Am Cheung, S. Duff, F. Wong, M. McQuestion, T. Cheng, L. Purdy & T. Bunston - 2001 - PsychoOncology 10 (3):259-263.
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    Syntactic Computations in the Language Network: Characterizing Dynamic Network Properties Using Representational Similarity Analysis.Lorraine K. Tyler, Teresa P. L. Cheung, Barry J. Devereux & Alex Clarke - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Note on Alternative Systems of Logic.Y. L. Chin - 1934 - The Monist 44 (1):144-146.
  39. Nature semiotics: The icons of nature.Y. L. Kergosien - forthcoming - Biosemiotics.
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    The principle of induction and a priori.Y. L. Chin - 1940 - Journal of Philosophy 37 (7):178-187.
  41. Chapter 7 Challenges of Promoting End-of-Life Care in Residential Care Homes in Hong Kong.Y. L. Chan Helen, M. C. Pang Samantha & M. F. Leung Edward - 2013 - In Maria Rossi & Luiz Ortiz, End-of-life care: ethical issues, practices and challenges. New York: Nova Publishers.
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    Adaptive ramification: Comparing models for biological, economical, and conceptual organization.Y. L. Kergosien - 1990 - Acta Biotheoretica 38 (3-4):243-255.
  43.  30
    Crystal structure of MnO3ultrathin films deposited on SrTiO3substrates.Y. L. Qin, H. W. Zandbergen, Z. Q. Yang & J. Aarts - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (36):4465-4476.
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    Microstructural evolution of [PbZrxTi1–xO3/PbZryTi1–yO3]nepitaxial multilayers –dependence on layer thickness.Y. L. Zhu, S. J. Zheng, X. L. Ma, L. Feigl, M. Alexe, D. Hesse & I. Vrejoiu - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (10):1359-1372.
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    Chinese Communism: Community and the Problem L’objet a or revenant.Kwai-Cheung Lo - 1993 - American Journal of Semiotics 10 (1/2):201-216.
  46.  32
    Bringing legal knowledge to the public by constructing a legal question bank using large-scale pre-trained language model.Mingruo Yuan, Ben Kao, Tien-Hsuan Wu, Michael M. K. Cheung, Henry W. H. Chan, Anne S. Y. Cheung, Felix W. H. Chan & Yongxi Chen - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (3):769-805.
    Access to legal information is fundamental to access to justice. Yet accessibility refers not only to making legal documents available to the public, but also rendering legal information comprehensible to them. A vexing problem in bringing legal information to the public is how to turn formal legal documents such as legislation and judgments, which are often highly technical, to easily navigable and comprehensible knowledge to those without legal education. In this study, we formulate a three-step approach for bringing legal knowledge (...)
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  47. Hippocrate de Cos: de l'hagiographie au rejet et vice-versa: de l'hagiographie au rejet et vice-versa.B. Y. L. Simon - 2001 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 19 (2):13-14.
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    Variation in phonological bias: Bias for vowels, rather than consonants or tones in lexical processing by Cantonese-learning toddlers.Hui Chen, Daniel T. Lee, Zili Luo, Regine Y. Lai, Hintat Cheung & Thierry Nazzi - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104486.
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    Rhetoric - G. A. Kennedy: A New History of Classical Rhetoric. An Extensive Revision and Abridgement of The Art of Persuasion in Greece, The Art of Rhetoric in the Roman World and Greek Rhetoric Under Christian Emperors With Additional Discussion of Late Latin Rhetoric. Pp. xii+301. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994. Paper. [REVIEW]Y. L. Too - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):60-61.
  50.  38
    The processing of coherent global form and motion patterns without visual awareness.Charles Y. L. Chung & Sieu K. Khuu - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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